Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry?

Pacifiers are a great tool for soothing and relaxing your baby. However, no matter how good pacifiers are, they should not replace your baby’s meal. Pacifiers are meant to suckle the little one and not to feed him. They are good to keep your baby busy while you are doing other activities.

However, you should not abuse the use of a pacifier and must not replace it with your baby’s meal.

Sometimes babies spit out their pacifiers and parents want to know why their babies spit out the pacifier. Your baby may spit out a pacifier for several reasons.

Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry? Continue reading the article to learn everything you need to know about your baby spitting out a pacifier:

 Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry?

Your baby may spit out his pacifier if he is hungry. If you see your baby fighting with the pacifier, spitting it out repeatedly, then he is more likely hungry. It is especially true if he normally uses the pacifier but at times doesn’t want it altogether. He is crying for milk, and wants food and not comfort. It also depends on whether your baby is active or passive. If your baby is active, expect him to spit out his pacifier for hunger. While if he is passive, he will probably not spit out the pacifier as he will patiently sit and wait for the milk. There are also chances that your baby such the pacifier even harder before spitting it out.

 Do babies accept pacifiers when they are hungry?

It may depend on the level of hunger of your baby. If your little one is very hungry he may accept the non-nutritive sucking for some time but when hunger hits its peak he will spit out the pacifier and may start crying. Moreover, parents must not give pacifiers to their hungry babies.

Many parents often abused pacifier use and want to replace feeding with a pacifier. It is an absolute misplacement of priority because pacifiers can never be a replacement for a meal for your baby no matter how soothing they are.

Besides being hungry, there can be many reasons for your baby to spit out the pacifier. Sometimes it can be by accident or because your baby can’t hold the pacifier in his mouth.

Your baby may also spit out the pacifier when he no longer needs non-nutritive sucking or is tired.

Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry?

Why give your baby a pacifier?

Raising a child can be a challenging task when your baby is in his cry phase but pacifiers are helpful tools for babies to relax and soothe.

Some infants always want to suck and cry when their moms stop breastfeeding. Pacifier is a great tool in this regard.

You can give it to your baby as they are created in such a way that the infant can’t differentiate it from his mom’s breast. And will not worry his mom until he is hungry again. A pacifier can keep your baby sucking and prevent him from crying.

However, pacifiers are no food and can’t replace food in the development of a baby. Many babies will not accept a pacifier when hungry.

How to know if my baby is hungry: Pacifier or food

Nurturing babies can be challenging for parents. Your newborn is in his infancy and reacts to mysterious situations with a cry. Whether your infant is tired, sick, sleepy, or hungry, the only way for him to show his reaction is to cry.

It also makes it difficult for parents to identify whether they need a pacifier or food. Sometimes, your baby wants a pacifier but spits it out.

However, you don’t have to worry as we have sorted out things the baby may do to tell you that he is hungry.

Your baby is unable to sleep: When your baby stays alert and awake it means that he is hungry. The active kid may cry but the passive baby may not cry and find it difficult to sleep.

Your baby is constantly sighing or making other sounds: It is another way for babies to show their hunger. Your baby can make tiny sounds like sighing or whimpering and if he does it for longer than usual it can be a sign that he is hungry.

Your baby is making faces: When your baby frowns or gives some facial expressions that are different from normal, then it can be a sign that he is hungry and at that point, he will spit out a pacifier if you give him.

Your baby puts his fist or fingers into his mouth: Babies like sucking on something and in most cases babies find a way to improvise and sucking their fists or fingers is the best way to do so. Even though many babies suck their fingers whether they are hungry or not but others may do it all the time. So, when such babies suddenly start putting their fingers in their mouths, it is a sign that they are hungry.

When a baby spits his pacifier out of his mouth: Babies generally enjoy sucking on pacifiers as they allow them to relax and self-soothe while their parents perform other duties. However, irrespective of the pleasure a pacifier provides, there is a tendency to spit it out when your baby is hungry. When your baby spits out his pacifier, it may make you aware of his hunger.


In today’s world, many tools have been created to help parents in their bid to raise their little ones without struggles or stress and pacifiers are one of them. However, it is essential not to abuse the use of a pacifier.

Instead, use it in the right way meaning that give it to your baby in between meals or after the meal and never use it as a replacement for food.

Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry? If your baby keeps spitting out his pacifier and crying, there are chances that he needs food and you should meet his need.

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