Baby only sleeps on my chest at night

Baby only sleeps on my chest at night

Making choices is an important part of becoming a parent. Parents have to deal with several tough decisions and one of them is whether a baby should sleep with their parents at night or not. You may have already prepared a place for your baby to sleep but some babies may want to sleep with … Read more

Can a baby safely sleep on a playmat?

Can a baby safely sleep on a playmat?

Babies sometimes fall asleep in weird and funny places when they are exhausted and tired out, especially if they have had a busy morning or day. They can sleep at any time, anywhere. Be it a sofa, floor, carpet, or playmat, your little one may try any place to sleep there. However, can a baby … Read more

Is 8-weeks too early to stop swaddling?

Is 8-weeks too early to stop swaddling?

Swaddling is a helpful practice to soothe your babies while they adapt to life outside the womb. For many parents, swaddling is a true lifesaver during the first few months of childbirth. By wrapping your baby snugly, you are helping him sleep better and for longer stretches. But it can’t last forever. When done properly, … Read more

Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry?

Will baby spit out pacifier if hungry?

Pacifiers are a great tool for soothing and relaxing your baby. However, no matter how good pacifiers are, they should not replace your baby’s meal. Pacifiers are meant to suckle the little one and not to feed him. They are good to keep your baby busy while you are doing other activities. However, you should … Read more