When should I stop giving my toddler milk before bed?

The bedtime milk bottle is usually the last bottle to go. It can be the main part of your little one’s bedtime routine and a source of comfort when your baby falls asleep.

Thus, it can be a tough habit to break for your baby. However, you will have a lot of time to make the transition.

The bedtime milk bottle seems to be the hardest one to take away from your baby, as they take it as much for relaxation and comfort as they do for nourishment. It is good to break the habit of giving milk to your toddler before going to bed.

Giving your baby a milk bottle before bed may contribute to night waking and it is somehow disturbing for both baby and parents. But when should I stop giving my toddler milk before bed? Continue reading to find the answer to this question.

 When should I stop giving my toddler milk before bed?

It is best to stop giving your baby a milk bottle before bed between ages 1 and 2. By this age, your little one will be getting his nutritional needs met with daytime snacks and meals, so they don’t require calories from formula or breast milk to get them through the night. Ideally, by the time babies are 1 year old, they will be completely off the bedtime bottle. So, it is good to begin cutting down the number of bottles beforehand. However, if you are breastfeeding, you should not stop your baby completely yet. Experts recommend breastfeeding your baby for at least 1 year or as long as your baby want.

 Say goodbye to the milk bottle before bed

After your kid’s first birthday, milk should not continue to be part of his bedtime routine. You can drop the bedtime bottle when they turn 1 year old.

Once you cut down the bedtime bottle, there is no need to replace it with anything. Drinking milk before bed can lead to waking ups in the middle of the night.

There are several reasons that milk disturbs sleep. The sugar content of milk is one of the reasons. Milk has about 13 grams per serving of sugar in it.

An increase in sugar levels in the blood can lead to hyperactivity, making it difficult for a baby to unwind and fall asleep.

When the sugar level in the blood drops, there is a crash that can cause night waking. Some people anecdotally report that having milk at night can cause nightmares in children.

 Why Stop the Bedtime Bottle around Age 1?

  • Bedtime milk bottles can begin interfering with dinner. Your kid may not be eating his meal knowing that he will get milk or formula before bed.
  • By this age, baby’s teeth are coming quickly. It will help you save time as you won’t have to brush your little one’s teeth again after the milk bottle, nor worry about milk deposits.
  • At the age of 1 year, kids are generally ready to drop the bedtime bottle as they are getting enough calories from snacks and meals and sleep through the night without the need for milk before going to bed. So, you can stop giving them bottles at night when they are over one year age.

When should I stop giving my toddler milk before bed?

How to stop giving your baby milk before bed

Babies are generally good at regulating their feedings. Your baby can convey to you when they are ready to leave having milk before going to bed by turning their head away or constantly not finishing it.

But if your little one is not ready to drop the bedtime milk bottle on their own, it can feel like a difficult task, particularly if it is the main part of your kid’s routine or something your little one finds comfort in.

Still, you can maintain your kid’s routine without a bedtime bottle and find other ways to soothe them before going to bed. Given below are some ways to help your baby stop having a bedtime milk bottle:

  • If your little one falls asleep when they have their milk bottle, begin by moving the bottle to the start of their bedtime routine so they can develop a habit of falling asleep without it.
  • Gradually reduce the amount of milk in your kid’s bedtime bottle. Provide them with one ounce less every night until there is one ounce left in the milk bottle, then move towards removing it from their bedtime routine.
  • Maintain the same bedtime routine for your kid which may include taking a bath, reading a book, putting on pajamas, snuggling, singing songs, and more.
  • Give your child other comfort objects at night such as stuffed toys or their favorite blanket when they turn 1 year old. Offer your kid some extra quality time and snuggles before bed.
  • Give them a cup of milk with a before-bed snack or dinner instead of a bottle.
  • If you are thinking to replace the bedtime milk bottle with something else like singing a lullaby, implement it along with the bottle for a couple of days before dropping the bottle. In this way, your baby will be already familiar with this new routine when you stop giving milk bottle.
  • Once you have dropped the bottle, be consistent. Don’t offer the bottle once you cut it out. Be confident and optimistic regarding the transition for your kid.
  • Tell your kid that they don’t need the milk bottle before bed anymore as they are grown up and getting so big.


When should I stop giving my toddler milk before bed? After your baby’s first birthday, you can stop giving him a milk bottle before bed. It is good to gradually wean babies from the bedtime bottle.

Ensure that your baby has enough to drink and eat for a few hours before bed.

Try establishing a good bedtime routine to help soothe and comfort your baby. Reading a story, a nice warm bath, and snuggling can be great sources of security, relaxation, and comfort before going to bed.

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