What Is A Baby Sound Machine?

Many oldest methods exist, which most parents used to get their babies to sleep, but these require little parents effort to work appropriately. As babies are not born good sleeper, and it’s a skill which a baby learns with time. It is a proven fact that babies sleep better when there is a soothing background sound.

In this regard, many companies have started making sound machines to ease parents in their parenthood and help a child sleep well. So now you may be wondering what is a baby sound machine? It’s actually a man-made sound machine explicitly directed at helping babies sleep more efficiently and soundly.

For babies who are restless sleepers, a sound machine can be an excellent tool. The sound produced by this machine help to draw out all of the other noises in the environment, and babies find this sound to be soothing and relaxing.

How do baby sound machines work?

Now the most asked question is how do baby sound machines work? To be honest, it’s quite simple to learn about its actual work in helping your baby to sleep. Incorporating a sound machine into your baby’s bedtime routine is simple. All you have to do is switch it on while you are bathing, singing, rocking, or whatever doing, then watch your baby drifting to sleep more easily and quickly than ever before.

These sound machines fill your baby’s room with white noises, and it will not be any random white noise: these machines mimic ocean-like noises or heartbeats which your infant once heard in the womb. White noises usually refer to the sound which masks other sounds that might occur in an environment like traffic noise in cities.

These noises are soothing to infants innately and especially proven to help infants fall asleep and stay asleep. This womb-like environment calms your anxious babies while encouraging them to stop crying and stay asleep longer. These machines may work like magic for your little ones to experience the sound sleep they deserve.

How does a sound machine help babies to sleep?what is a baby sound machine

Environmental noises are undesirable and pose a great hindrance to the sleeping of children. A sound machine is designed while this fact in mind and encourage your baby’s sleep regardless of these unpleasant environmental noises. If you see your baby tends to fall asleep at the noisiest times instead of the regular napping time or bedtime, then he can surely respond positively to the white noise machine.

So, how does a sound machine help babies to sleep in a noisy environment? Simply it masks the household noises and other undesirable noises produced by other family members in the home. If you have a baby who needs to sleep, but another child does not want to take a nap, then a sound machine can help block out siblings’ noises to help your baby sleep sound and better.

How loud should sound machine be for babies?

Sound machines produce white noise, which is meant to be in the background, so as long as it stays there, it is not problematic to your babies’ health.

However, it is very important to know how load should sound machine be for babies? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends operating a noise machine not louder than 50 decibels (which is almost equal to the sound level of a quiet dishwasher). 50 decibels sound level is enough and okay for babies from a health perspective.

So, all you need to do with the sound machine is place it away from your baby’s crib, set it on an appropriately low volume, and turn it off when your baby falls asleep. If you worry about the risk which it may cause, then be smart while using it. Make sure you keep it away from the reach of your baby and turn it off if it seems too loud for your baby and bothering him instead of helping him in sleeping.

Is sound machine safe for babies?

When it comes to knowing its pros and cons, most parents usually ask, is sound machine safe for babies? Well! I will say “YES” because using a sound machine basically soothes your children and helps them get the sleep they need. In a study, it is proven that almost 80% of babies exposed to white noise from sound machines dozed off with 5 minutes, among which 25% fell asleep quickly without any background noise.

We can say sound machine helps babies get the sleep they deserve and calms them down when it is needed the most. Because it’s not always easy getting babies all the sleep they need, and all new parents know it very well! The only concern of sound machines is very straightforward.

Some babies don’t like the sound of white noise and get irritated with its sound, so for them, you may have to rely on some other ways to help your little one in sleeping. Also, if the sound machine’s sound level is too loud above the recommended level, then there are few risks of hearing loss.

What type of sound machine is best for babies?

There are many types of sound machines out there in the market claiming to be the best. While navigating what type of sound machine is best for babies, you must keep in mind the useful features.

For example, its sound selection, timer, automatic, shutoff, portability, must be functional and available for your ease. All parents have different preferences in the noise sources of the sound machine.what is a baby sound machine

Some parents rely on the sound made by air purifiers or vacuum cleaner videos on YouTube, while some improvise the other sources of sound like running water, rain, birds singing, or rolling waves. In this regard, you can also see your baby’s preferences for sound while they sleep and try that to get the best approach.


As we all know, newborns need 14 to 17 hours of sleep in a day, while older babies need 12 to 16 hours of sleep. I have seen it’s a struggle, especially for new parents, to help their babies sleep for such extended hours. Due to which people are exploring more options to get this job done quickly.

To help parents in their parenthood, some companies have made sound machines that produce white noise, a soothing sound to help your baby to sleep. A sound machine can be beneficial during the difficult stages of your baby’s life, especially in the earlier months after his birth when he needs it the most. It’s also very affordable and safe when used appropriately, keeping all the instructions in mind.

4 thoughts on “What Is A Baby Sound Machine?”

  1. Thank you very much for this valuable detailed post about the baby sound machine. This is really a very important machine. Because this can make babies sleep. Especially this does not harm babies. This is very important to my sister. He has a baby. I will definitely send this post to her. Keep posting like this.

  2. All babies are so cute. Thanks for this delightful article. I remember having a difficult time getting my baby back to sleep after her the middle of the night feeding. This would have been very helpful. 

    I have a question though. Do you think a baby can get used to this sound while sleeping and the other sounds will still end up disturbing him or her?

    • Hi! Thanks for your great question, from my experience a noise machine usually blocks out any other sounds. So the baby should usually sleep through… Except for really loud noises…


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