The Best Pacifiers for Newborns

The best pacifiers for newborns are the demand of every loving mom & dad. If you think your baby is fussy and you are pretty worried about your baby, don’t worry, dear!!! It is the story of every baby.

Every baby needs something to soothe. You can call it by many names like binky, pacifier, dummy, bo-bo, soother, or any other term. By whatever name you call it, the truth is that you need these pacifiers for your baby.

You must have come from the market, or you have checked many pacifiers online, and you are now quite confused with these options. You don’t know that which pacifier you want for your baby. You don’t know that on what basis you have to choose pacifiers for little angels. This is not new. Options also make you feel worried.

Don’t worry!!! I am going to tell you the best pacifiers for newborns. I will also tell you what the points are that you keep in your consideration while choosing the best pacifiers for newborns. SHHH!!!! Don’t get confused!!! Just come with me!!!!

Price and Material of pacifierThe best pacifiers for newborns

First comes the price and material of pacifier. You have to choose a pacifier that has some price. Don’t go for cheap pacifiers. Cheap pacifiers are made up of bad-quality Material. Avoid them.

Your baby has to put a pacifier in their mouth all the time. The health of your baby is very important in this sense.

The Material of the pacifier is very important. Many types of pacifiers are named based on their materials. It is easy to know about a good quality pacifier by looking at its’ Material.

  • Silicone pacifiers are good in the sense of grip. These pacifiers have more grasp in the jaws of the baby. But silicone pacifiers are made from a complex chemical process. Such chemical treatments of the pacifiers are mainly harmful to the babies. That’s why most of the parents refuse these pacifiers on this ground. Chemical treatments are not suitable for babies.
  • Latex pacifiers are suitable for the baby in the sense that latex is a natural polymer. Thus, chemical treatment for the making of pacifiers from latex is low. That’s why most parents choose latex pacifiers for their babies. Latex pacifiers are deficient in the sense that they have a low grip on the mouth of the babies. They lose grip quickly.

Color and Shape of Pacifiers

Now what color and shape of pacifiers is suitable for newborns? Babies always love bright colors and different shapes. They know nothing about the quality of pacifiers. They get used to the color of the pacifier or the shape of the pacifier.

If a pacifier has white color and the other pacifier has a red color, obviously baby will go for the red pacifier.

Cleaning of Pacifier

Many pacifiers are made up of different pieces. These are not good pacifiers. The cleaning of pacifier becomes challenging. You have to keep an eye on all the pieces of pacifiers. A pacifier is made up of a single piece is good regarding the safety of your baby.

Try to buy pacifiers that are easy to clean. Most of the pacifiers can be washed in the dishwasher. If you have a dishwasher in your home, go for dishwasher pacifiers as they are easy to clean in a routine.

What is the best time to give pacifiers to newborns?

Most commonly asked question is what is the best time to give pacifiers to newborns? Most of the babies get confused with the nipples of their mother while breastfeeding and the pacifiers.

Different muscles of the babies are used while sucking through the nipples of the mother and the pacifiers. That’s why it becomes difficult for babies.

Doctors now recommend that you give pacifiers to your babies after 1-3 weeks of breastfeeding. Although, you can buy a pacifier from the hospital.

But the best time is to buy a pacifier when your baby has recognized the breastfeeding for 3-4 weeks.

best pacifiers for newbornsThe best pacifiers for newborns

Here are few best pacifiers for newborns which you must try:

  • Hospital’s pacifiers are the pacifiers that you usually get from the hospital. These pacifiers are simple and available in different colors. Most of these pacifiers are made up of silicone. The reason behind silicone pacifier’s preference is the extra grip of these pacifiers in the mouth of newborns. They are easy to clean in the dishwasher.
  • Stylish pacifiers are very smart and are available in different shapes. Some of these pacifiers are good for babies. But some of these pacifiers are made up of two or more pieces. Don’t buy these pacifiers.
  • Breath support pacifiers have shapes that allow the babies to take breaths comfortably. The shape of the nipple of these pacifiers helps support the breath of the babies. These pacifiers help soothe the babies quickly.
  • MAM pacifiers are best for babies to sleep in the night. These pacifiers have a glow that helps the baby to soothe in the dark. Babies usually love these MAM pacifiers. The nipples of these pacifiers are also thin and flexible, which further helps in relieving the little ones.
  • Orthodontic pacifiers are very important regarding the shape of the teeth of babies. Most of the pacifiers result in disturbing the shape of newborn’ teeth. These orthodontic pacifiers are suitable for the shape of the baby’s lower jaw and the upper jaw. Thus, there is no harm to the teeth of a baby by these orthodontic pacifiers.
  • Double-duty pacifiers are used for dual purposes, as the name suggests. They play the role of a pacifier and a teether in the mouth of the baby. Pacifier is for soothing the little one and giving maximum distraction for sleeping. Teether is used when the baby starts teething. They need a teether at this time.


In the end, pacifiers are the need of every baby. You cannot get rid of pacifiers. However, you have to choose a pacifier that gives maximum advantages with little harm. Secondly, don’t get attached to on pacifier. Try to change pacifiers after every 6 months. Try to buy the best pacifiers for newborns in all respects.

If you find out that your baby is not comfortable with a pacifier, try to change that pacifier at the earliest without fail.

Although pacifiers are very common, according to the American Association of Pediatrics, pacifiers have a significant impact on the health of babies. Don’t take them lightly in any case.

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