Should I keep the baby swaddled during night feedings?

Swaddling is a practice that involves wrapping a baby securely and snugly in a blanket. To safely swaddle a baby, the blanket must comfortably support the body of a baby, leaving the head outside so that a baby can breathe. But it should not be too tight.

Swaddling can help babies sleep better because it prevents them from jolting awake when motion or noises trigger their startle reflex.

But should I keep the baby swaddled during night feedings? It is tempting for many parents to feed their baby while he is swaddled as it helps them relax and go back to sleep right away. Isn’t that all we mamas out here want? But is it safe?

While it may seem good to keep a baby swaddled when feeding, many experts recommend that you should not swaddle your baby when feeding for various reasons.

Continue reading to find out more about this question.

Should I keep the baby swaddled during night feedings?

You should not keep your baby swaddled during night feedings. It is essential to unswaddle your baby when feeding at night because it is not easy and comfortable for them. It is because they can’t use their hands and arms while feeding, just as it would be uncomfortable for you to eat with your hands tied behind your back. Research shows that babies need to use their arms and hands to nurse because they actively use their hands to find the nipple, enhance milk letdown, and latch properly. It also allows you to notice your little ones’ hunger cues when their hands go toward their mouths. When hungry, babies bring their hands toward their mouths, and you will likely miss hunger cues when their hands are covered.

Reasons why you should unswaddle your baby during night feedings

There are various reasons why you should not breastfeed your baby in a swaddle. Experts explain that their arms need to be free because it helps with the mechanics of both bottle feeding and breastfeeding.

The arms and hands of a baby can grasp the breast and help manage the angle and promote milk letdown.

Another important reason is that a baby will be too cozy when swaddled and when milk hits his tummy, he may begin to doze off and go to sleep.

It is not good because babies need to have complete feeding for optimal growth by feeding on the milk. During night feedings, it is best to unswaddle your baby to keep him awake and stimulated.

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Should I keep the baby swaddled during night feedings?

Swaddling Do’s

  • Baby must be put on their backs to lower the chances of SIDS.
  • After swaddling, you should monitor your baby to ensure that they don’t roll over.
  • Check the arousal state of your baby. Swaddles babies are likely to sleep for longer, but less baby activity can be a sign of an issue.

Swaddling Don’ts

  • Do not swaddle a baby too tightly. They may develop hip issues if they are swaddled too tightly.
  • Never place a baby on their tummy when swaddled.
  • Do not leave toys and loose blankets in the baby’s crib or bed.
  • To prevent overheating and suffocation, don’t cover your baby’s face.

Should I swaddle my baby before or after feedings?

The right time to swaddle your baby is after feeding. Babies, particularly breastfed babies can’t feed well when they are swaddled.

Once they are done feeding, change their diapers and swaddle them properly.


Should I keep the baby swaddled during night feedings? Your baby should be unswaddled when feeding at night. It is good for babies to know the difference between nighttime and daytime. Feeding and swaddling don’t go hand in hand.

When your baby wakes up at night, unswaddle and feed them, making sure to burp them well. Whether bottle feeding or breastfeeding, feeding your baby in a swaddle is not suggested.

READ ME NEXT===>Is 8-weeks too early to stop swaddling?

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