Is it OK to let a newborn cry for 5 minutes?

It is normal for a newborn to cry. On a given day, a newborn may cry for almost 2 hours or even longer. There can be several reasons behind newborns crying.

Actually, a crying infant is trying to tell you something and you have to find out the reason for their crying. Also, you have to figure out if you can do anything about it. Decoding your newborn’s tears will help you soothe your crying baby and handle them easily.

With time, you will learn to identify your infant’s needs by the way your baby is crying. 

For instance, a hungry baby may cry for a short time with a low-pitched voice whereas a baby in pain may cry all of a sudden with a long and high-pitched shriek. Identifying a pattern can help you better respond to your newborn’s cries.

However, there are times when parents are not able to be available for kids and they ask the question “Is it ok to let a newborn cry for 5 minutes?” Continue reading to find the answer to your question.

Is it OK to let a newborn cry for 5 minutes?

You can let your newborn cry for 5 minutes if everything is fine with him/her. If your newborn doesn’t appear sick, his diaper is dry, he is not hungry, you have tried everything and he is still upset, it is ok to let your newborn cry. New research has shown that leaving newborns to cry for some time has no long-term impact on their behavioral development or their attachment to their mom. Letting them cry for a while may help them develop self-control. However, it is not recommended to leave your newborn to cry all the time and parents must not ignore their crying infant, particularly early in life. Parents intuitively know how to best respond to their baby’s cries and both the parent and the kid will adapt over time.

Why does a newborn cry?

Crying is the only way of communication for a newborn. 

They may cry for feeding, wet diaper, safety, and many other things. Thus, parents or caregivers need to respond to the crying and try to figure out and resolve the issue. We naturally do this.

However, letting babies cry for a couple of minutes may be helpful for them, specifically if it is not their feeding time.

It can help them learn how to self-soothe.

What should I do if a newborn won’t stop crying?

Sometimes, babies cry without any reason. If this is the case with your baby and he won’t stop crying, find a safe place like a crib and put your baby on its back in it, and leave it there for 5 minutes.

To distract yourself, make a cup of tea or call a friend or relative. When you leave your baby, try doing something to relax and calm down.

You should not either leave an infant to cry out for long or respond immediately, but find a perfect balance between two situations.

First, try to find out the reason behind your newborn’s cry.

Reasons why your newborn is crying

Here is what your newborn may be thinking when they cry:

I’m hungry:

Newborns usually eat every few hours throughout the day. Crying is a late symbol of hunger. Check the early signals of hunger like lip-smacking and hand-to-mouth movements.

I’m lonely:

Hold your newborn calmly to your chest and gently pat on their back to soothe a crying infant.

I want to suck on something:

Many babies find comfort in sucking their finger or thumb or pacifier. Provide them with a pacifier if they are not hungry to help them stop crying.

I’m wet:

A dirty or wet diaper can trigger cries. Check your newborn’s diaper frequently to ensure that it is dry and clean.

I’m tired:

When your baby is tired, he will most likely cry out. Your infant may require more sleep than you think. Infants usually sleep for 16 hours a day or sometimes even more.

I’m hot or cold:

Your baby may cry because he is feeling hot or cold. Remove or add a layer of clothing as required.

Moreover, too much visual stimulation, movement, and noise can also let your baby cry. Take your newborn to a calmer place.

Is it OK to let a newborn cry for 5 minutes ?

How to soothe a crying baby?

There are many ways to soothe a crying baby. You need to know that you can’t spoil a newborn by giving him too much attention. Here are some ways to soothe a crying baby:

  • Ensure that your baby is full and his diaper is clean.
  • Make sure that your newborn is not ill. Check temperature to ensure that your infant doesn’t have a fever. Call the doctor immediately if your infant has a fever.
  • Talk to your baby or sing a song.
  • Give a pacifier to your baby.
  • Rock or walk with your newborn.
  • Rub or pat your baby’s back.
  • Hold your newborn close to your body and breathe slowly.
  • Give your baby a ride in a stroller.
  • Give a warm bath to your infant.
  • Put your newborn in a vibrating seat or a swing. Its motion can be soothing for them.
  • Place your baby in a car seat and go for a ride. Sometimes, the movement and vibration of the car are calming.
  • Play music to soothe your crying baby. Some babies respond to sound as well as movement.


Is it OK to let a newborn cry for 5 minutes?  It depends on your baby’s situation and needs at that moment. If your newborn is crying, try to figure out the reason and resolve it.

If there is no apparent reason for their crying, you have tried everything but nothing worked, you can leave them in a safe place for a few minutes to cry. In the meantime, you should calm down and relax before holding them again.  

Letting them cry for some time will not have an adverse effect on their development. However, you should not ignore your crying baby and must not use the “crying it out” method as a sleep training tactic for a newborn. 

But if you are about to cry hysterically, it is fine to put down your baby in a safe place for a few minutes to give yourself a break.

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