I accidentally slept through my baby crying

Looking after a baby can be extremely tiring, particularly in the early few months after the child’s birth, when your baby will wake several times during the night. Many parents try to deal with a certain level of tiredness. 

But if you are feeling low and unable to combat or enjoy things, you will have to find ways to get more sleep and feel more rested.

I accidentally slept through my baby crying; it is a common statement by many new parents. Parents of younger children are notoriously sleep-deprived which can result in severe health problems if left unchecked. 

Even though you can avoid nighttime fussiness and feed, here are some useful tips to get the rest you desperately require to recharge.

I accidentally slept through my baby crying

If you are not waking up at night, it is likely because you are too tired and need more rest. It can happen if you are extremely tired and unable to get up on your baby’s cries. You are not a bad mom if you accidentally slept through your baby’s crying. You may be up all day, performing tasks all day long, have visitors, or be busy with your job. If this is the case, you should try having rest during the day as it will help you wake up when your baby cries. You don’t have to push yourself to do too much during the day and take some time to rest. The best way is to sleep when your baby sleeps. If you repeatedly sleep through your baby’s crying, you should also go for blood tests as it can be due to some health issues.

How to stay more rested and wake up when your baby cries at night

There can be various reasons for a baby to cry at night and you as a parent have to get to your baby to fulfill their needs. It is common for parents to get tired and sleepless when caring for their baby. 

There are some tips to help you feel more rested. Some of them are given below:

Sleep when your baby sleeps

Try to sleep or take a rest when your baby sleeps. It can be appealing to use this time to perform tasks around the house, but sometimes it is more important to take a rest. If you are worried that you will sleep for too long, you can set an alarm.

Go to bed earlier

Try to sleep earlier at night, at least for 1 week. If you can’t sleep when you go to bed, do something relaxing for 30 minutes before going to bed like soaking in a hot bath.

I accidentally slept through my baby crying

Know the sleep patterns of your baby

The time when your little one wakes many times at night will not last forever. With growth, babies sleep for longer periods. So, you will be able to have a better routine when you know the pattern of your baby’s sleep.

Do not let stress overwhelm you

Sometimes, stress makes you feel tired. You should find some way to cope with stress and it will help you feel better even if you can’t more sleep.

Try relaxation exercises

Deep relaxation exercises for just 5 to 10 minutes can help refresh you. Begin practicing simple breathing exercises and you can do them anywhere. You can also learn relaxation techniques online.


I accidentally slept through my baby crying is a situation that many parents go through. It is common to be sleep-deprived when taking care of your baby for the first few months after birth. 

However, you should not ignore your baby by making it routine to sleep through your baby crying. Your baby needs you to fulfill their needs and they cry to tell you that they need you. 

I hope the above-mentioned tips will help you have adequate sleep and feel less tired. In this way, you will likely wake up when your baby cries at night.

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