husband sleeps through the baby crying

Babies do not get many ways to communicate and the only way for them to communicate is by crying. Babies cry when they need something to do for them like feeding, changing diapers, and more.

Babies need to be cared for at night as well and they cry to get your attention when they need you. But have you ever wondered how it is that you seem to be the only one that can hear the baby crying at night while your husband sleeps through the baby crying?

You may want to scandal him for his selective deafness when you come back from settling the baby for the 10th
time that night. 

However, you would be surprised to know there is a reason why you wake up more instantly when your baby cries as compared to your husband. 

 husband sleeps through the baby crying

Your husband may sleep undisturbed when your baby cries and you are abruptly awakened by your baby’s cries, and it may make you think that he is deliberately tuning out the baby’s cries. The researchers found out that it is not intentional behavior. Instead, their research concludes that, unlike men’s brains, women’s brains are more connected to responding to the baby’s cries. According to a research study, when women become mothers, a “protection reflex” creates in their minds, which means that women are much quicker to react if they hear or think that their little ones are crying as compared to dads.

 The science behind husband sleeping through baby cries

A study was performed to test the brains of men and women, 18 parents and nonparents, men and women were asked to let their minds wander. Then they were allowed to hear a recording of white noise intermingled with the sounds of a baby crying. 

Brain scans reveal that irrespective of whether the women were parents or not, their minds changed patterns of brain activity from a default mode to an attentive mode. 

In contrast, men’s brains remained in the resting state.

It is evident that mothers are more sensitive to their baby’s cries, even when asleep. The research found that it is not just mothers, but all women quickly roused from sleep by the noise of a baby crying. 

Tests performed at MindLab institutions have found that while a baby’s sobbing is the first sound most likely to wake up a woman, it even doesn’t appear in the men’s top ten.

Buzzing insects, howling wind, and car alarms are the main sounds sure to disturb a man’s sleep, while baby cries, dripping taps, and rowdiness outside come at the top of the women’s list. 

Interestingly, researchers found that a woman’s maternal instincts hit in at the noise of a baby’s cries even if she is not a mother. 

Research also revealed that women are more prone to suffer sleep disturbances and men are more likely to be able to go back to sleep again once they have been woken up.

These differences in sensitivities may show evolutionary differences that make women sensitive to sounds related to the potential threat to their babies while men are more finely tuned to disruptions presenting a possible threat to the whole family. 

We can’t argue with the science, but this can be a difficult idea to accept for the men blessed with the baby radar, particularly at 3 am in the morning.

husband sleeps through the baby crying


The husband sleeps through the baby crying is a common thing that many women experiences. In general, women are easier to wake up and face more trouble falling back to sleep once their sleep has been disrupted. 

Some noises like car alarms, snoring, and sirens can wake both men and women. However, a few sounds are there that stopped each sex’s sleep are notably different. 

Men are more sensitive to ticking clocks and crickets chirping. Researchers found that women are more sensitive to sobbing babies, but this sound seldom managed to wake men.

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