How To Get Newborn Sleep At Night

Parenthood comes with several challenges and how to get newborn sleep at night is one of them.

You are blessed with the little angel. Look! What you have got in your life! Your baby! Congratulations dear! But i know there is something to worry about!

That is your own sleep! Your peaceful restime! Your beautiful dreams! Your sound sleep is now a dream for you! Are you thinking like this?

Are you worried about your baby’s sleeping routine? Do you have to wake up all night because of your baby? Do you have to get up again and again at night to feed your baby?

Ok! Don’t be panic! This is the case with almost all the parents. Every parent has to go through these wake-up nights.

But stay there! Keep reading this!!! Because i have some important tips for you! I can tell you some ways which can facilitate you to keep your baby asleep at night.

Yes! It is true! It is possible to get a newborn to sleep at night! Come with me!how to get newborn sleep at night

Create a consistent bedtime routine

A bedtime routine is extremely important for your baby. Without a consistent bedtime routine, it seems next to impossible for your baby to have a sleeping pattern.

You cannot even take asleep at night or in the daytime because your baby has no fixed routine for sleeping. You should try to develop a consistent bedtime routine for your baby when your baby is 6-8 weeks old.

Your baby needs to recognize the difference between day and night at a very early age. This will facilitate the natural circadian rhythms of your baby.

By creating a consistent bedtime routine for your baby, you will also feel relax. You can also sleep soundly at night with your baby. Your baby will get a sound sleep, which is too essential for your new little angel’s physical and mental health.

Limit the length of naps during the day

The second most important thing is to limit the length of naps of your baby during the daytime.

This is very crucial as if your baby takes long stretches of sleep during the day, then it becomes difficult for the baby to fall asleep at night. Thus, you have to limit the length of naps during the daytime.

But it depends on the age of your baby. If your baby lies between the age of 0-4 months, then your baby can take a nap after 60 minutes whenever the baby woke up.

But keep in mind that nap length must be between 30 minutes to a maximum of 1.5 hours. In any scenario, the length of the nap should not exceed 2 hours.

If your baby is 4-9 months old, in that case, the number of ideals naps is 3 per day. It means you must allow your baby to sleep thrice during the daytime.

The length of these three naps must not be greater than 30 minutes.

Swaddling helps babies sleep

Your baby needs swaddling. Every baby needs swaddling. Swaddling is very important for the sound sleep of a baby. In swaddling, the baby’s body is wrapped in sheets, swaddling blankets, or tissue cloths.

A group of researchers conducted a study on the effect of swaddling on babies. Babies were placed in two different groups. One group of babies was allowed to sleep without any restriction on their bodies. The other group was swaddled during sleep. Results have clearly shown that the group of babies who were swaddled during sleep took the increased amount of sleep.

Swaddled babies also showed more non-rapid eye movement (nrem) than a group of unswaddled babies. It is very important to swaddle your baby.

It helps your baby to develop straight arms and legs. Swaddling also protects the baby from different shocks during sleep.

Making your baby’s nursery dark for sleep

If your baby is finding it difficult to sleep at night, give your baby a dark environment for sleep. A bright environment during the night will prevent your baby from taking sound sleep.

On the contrary, a dark environment will facilitate your baby to take a sound sleep. After few weeks, your baby will adapt to the dark environment. After this, just turning off the lights in your baby’s room, your baby will fall asleep.

To make your baby’s room dark, you can use darkening shades or blackout curtains. You can also use black electrical tape where light sources are still creating brightness. You must turn off your television placed in baby’s room or in t.v lounge.

Use white noise

White noise is a random signal with equal intensity of sound at different frequencies; thus, it creates a constant power spectral density.

How is it useful for your baby??? It is undoubtedly helpful for your baby. It protects your baby from sleeping when there is noise in the home. Suppose some guests are living in your home for a month, then how can you maintain your baby routine when there is too much noise in-home at different times.

Moreover, if you have three or four children and most probably, all of these children belong to other age groups, then how can you maintain a sleeping schedule for your baby???

In these conditions, you have to use a white noise machine for your baby. You can put this machine in your baby’s room. This machine will give a consistent sound that will help your baby to fall asleep.

But try to ensure that the intensity of noise is safe for your baby before buying the machine. Research has shown that most of the white noise machines have been producing unsafe intensity. This high-intensity sound will not allow your baby to take a sound sleep.

Instead, your baby’s sleep will get interrupted by this machine. Thus,. I recommend you to ensure the intensity of your machine before using it in your baby’s room.


To sum up, sleep is essential for everyone. It is necessary for babies and adults. However, babies sleep more than adults because babies are developing during their sleep time.

Thus, it is essential to maintain a good sleeping routine for your baby. It will relieve your stress. You will also feel active during the daytime.

To ensure that your baby must sleep at night, you have to follow these instructions. You have to create a consistent bedtime routine for your baby. You have to limit the number and the length of naps during the daytime. You must swaddle your baby at night. You must ensure darkness in your baby’s room at night. You can also use white noise for your baby at night if needed.




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