How to clean stained baby bottle nipples?

Baby bottle nipples get stained after frequent use. They start looking disenchanting due to the effect of milk, juices, and formulas your baby is feeding on.

The protein and fat residues in such food products stick to the baby bottle nipples. Soon, they turn yellow even if you put all your effort to clean them.

By emptying the baby bottle after each use and washing all its parts, you can prevent the stains from forming and remove the ones that may appear.

How to clean stained baby bottle nipples? Dish detergents are safe to use to clean stained baby bottle nipples. Besides removing stains, dish detergents can remove odors.

You should wash baby bottle nipples between uses, irrespective of what they held. It will help prevent the growth of bacteria. Proper cleaning of baby body nipples can reduce the probability of baby bottle nipples getting stained.

It is time to learn the tips to clean discolored or stained baby bottle nipples using cost-effective, safe, and natural methods.

How to clean stained baby bottle nipples?

To clean the stained baby bottle nipple, use vinegar as the safest and most natural stain-removing agent. Mix equal amounts of vinegar and warm water and soak baby bottle nipples into the solution for a couple of hours or overnight. Then rinse the nipples in cold water and air dry on a clean towel. If cloudy discoloration and stains don’t get clean, it’s time to use harsher but safer bicarbonate of soda. Baking soda will help remove hard yellow stains and cloudiness from baby bottle nipples. It is recommended to wash the bottle as soon as they are used using warm water and mild dish soap. It will not only prevent discoloration but also maintain bacteria-free hygiene.

What causes the discoloration on baby bottle nipples?

There can be several reasons behind the discoloration and cloudiness of baby bottle nipples.

Before you start considering replacing them, let’s have a look at the culprits for this staining. Then you will know what you can do to permanently get rid of the yellow stains.

Stained baby bottle nipples look suspect even when they are germ-free and clean. Baby bottle nipples are generally made of silicone or rubber and various aspects influence the structure of these materials to wear out and lose transparency.

The baby feed including milk, formula, and juices contains fats and proteins which stick to the nipples and bottles.

This process is catalyzed by heat and boiling, dishwashing, sterilization, and microwaving can contribute to the stickiness of this discoloration. Heavy grease accumulates inside the bottle and nipples. It may appear smooth but it has tiny imperfections where the fat compounds accumulate.

How to clean stained baby bottle nipples?

After prolonged accumulation and high temperatures, discolorations and cloudiness appear. Some brushes that are used to clean bottles are abrasive enough to damage the integrity of the bottle and nipple’s material, which will result in staining over time.

Do I have to wash bottles after every use?

It is advised to wash baby bottles after every use to completely remove formula or milk from the bottle. Many experts recommend using hot soapy water but vinegar is a more natural option to clean baby bottle nipples.

Clean baby bottles along with nipples after every use irrespective of what was in the bottle. It will not only keep your baby safe and healthy but also prevent bottles from becoming stained or discolored.

Use vinegar to get fat off of baby bottle nipples

The cloudy or stained nipples can be due to the fat residue. Sometimes, traces of fats remain inside the baby bottle nipple irrespective of how many times you clean them.

Parents usually look for natural products to clean and sanitize their baby supplies as they are free of chemicals and harmless for their babies.

We are all aware of using vinegar as a cleaning agent when it comes to cleaning baby bottle nipples.

Vinegar can be safely used for cleaning baby bottle nipples and it is highly recommended for cleaning stained bottle nipples. To use vinegar to clean bottle nipples, mix one part of warm water with one part of vinegar. Soak the baby bottle nipples into the mixture and leave overnight to let the vinegar do its job.

Ensure that you thoroughly rinse the nipples after cleaning with vinegar to completely remove the milk residue as vinegar can curdle milk and formula.

This method seems to be the best for slight discoloration and cloudiness in baby bottle nipples. Vinegar may not be strong enough to get rid of harsh stains in baby bottle nipples.

If the nipple gets too old and has stubborn stains, it might be time to replace them.

How to clean baby bottles with baking soda

If the baby bottle nipple is discolored with harsh stains or has a strong odor, you can use baking soda to clean it. Baking soda is a great choice to clean stains on baby bottle nipples. It is proven to be effective in removing stubborn stains and foul smells.

To use baking soda for cleaning nipples, add one teaspoon of baking soda into the warm water. Soak the nipples in this mixture overnight and then wash them thoroughly to clean the stains.


How to clean stained baby bottle nipples? Keeping baby bottle nipples clean help prevent discoloration. Stains or discoloration can be due to the residues from formula, juice, or other liquids that may remain inside for a long time.

Clean the baby bottle nipples every time after use to prevent the appearance of yellow stains.

Use the methods discussed in the article to clean stained baby bottle nipples and ensure a healthy life for your babies.

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