Summer is the best season for kids!!! Yes!!! You have read the correct sentence. fun water activities for kids are amazing.

If your kids consider summer boring, then I am SORRY for your kids because fun water activities for kids are the best things to do in the summer.

Summer is the season in which you have the chance to enjoy life and nature with your kids while being relaxed. If you feel that your kid’s energy levels are being lowered due to heat, then let’s keep them cool. If you think that the summer season is not suitable for your kids, then you are wrong. Water activities in summer are the best part of childhood.

A childhood without water activities must be a boring one. This part of childhood can never be enjoyed at later ages.

There are many water activities for the kids, which are full of energy and fun. Kids enjoy more time while they are doing outdoor activities.

Kids enjoy playing with water more than any other activity. Just keep reading this. You will get many ideas of spending a summer full of energy and pleasure with your kids. Here they are:

Water Challenge

In water challenge, children arrange themselves in a lane. Child at 1st place fill a glass or bowl full of water and pass the water from their glass or bowl into the glass of child standing at the second position (in the back of 1st position child) without turning face to the following kid.

This child standing at the second position then fills the bowl or glass of the child standing at the 3rd position with water from their glass without looking at that kid. And so on. This fun activity is full of excitement and fun for the kids.

Water balloons are best for kids to enjoy their summertime. No other workout can bring that joy which lies in smashing a balloon full of water over your sibling or friend. Thus fun activity is still full of happiness for the adults too. This activity becomes more excited when you smash your friend suddenly.

Yup!!! There is an issue with this activity too. Kids often fill balloons with water and beat them in a bedroom or kitchen, or drawing-room. This can create a mess. But you can control this situation. Parents should give a limited number of balloons to their kids daily instead of handing over the entire packet of water balloons.

Secondly, while children are playing outdoor, try to lock the rooms so that there is no reason for the kids to go inside and smash their water balloons when everyone is outside.

Washing the Toys

Washing the toys is an exciting activity for kids. Give them their toys and soap or lotion. Kids wash their toys with water and soap.

But always keep in mind that toys must not be too much dirty. A little dust is fine. Washing the toys is not just fun but also helps develop a habit of keeping toys clean in your kids.

The best way to establish any good practice in kids is to inculcate them in their fun activities.

fun water activities for kidsMixing color with water

Mixing color with water activity is also full of fun. It is straightforward. Take any water paint or any paint and mix them in water. Mix two or different colors and enjoy the results. This fun activity boosts creativity in kids.

Water Gun

Water gun is the best toy of childhood. It is the wish of every kid to get the most powerful water gun for this fight. Water guns with different sized tanks are full of attraction for the kids. Just buy some water guns for your kids and leave the rest of the matter to your kids.

Fighting with a water gun keeps your kids cool and physically active. Running while playing with a water gun keeps your kids enthusiastic and happy.

Caution: Try to give a water gun for a specified period. Otherwise, kids can start fighting with a water gun while playing indoor. But if you find it challenging to buy special water guns for your kids, Don’t worry. Just buy an ordinary spray gun and give your kids to make their special water activities for kids

Spray guns are cheap and readily available in all markets. Spray guns are not for attacking water over large distances. But for kids’ pleasure, they work. And all you need is the smile on your kids’ faces. Spray guns can bring that happiness.

Swimming Pool

If you can buy a swimming pool for your kid, then do that favor for your kid at the earliest. Enjoy swimming in the home swimming pool is full of fun and pleasure.

fun water activities for kids

If you buy a large swimming pool, you can also enjoy a fabulous time with your kids. However, it becomes dangerous for your youngest kid to swim in a large size swimming pool. For this reason, you must try to buy a swimming pool that is well-matched for your kids’ ages.

Swimming can keep your kid active and smart. Swimming is the best exercise for kids and adults. Moreover, your kid can learn swimming quickly since childhood. Go and buy an appropriately sized swimming pool for this summer.

Keep in mind that a swimming pool can be dangerous for kids of different ages playing altogether. This means that if kids of different heights and ages are playing together, there must be an elder who keeps an eye over the kids.


In short, summer is not boring at all. Summer can be full of fun and excitement with fun water activities for your kids. Summer can be a season to create memories for your kids. Fun with water activities is the best part of childhood. Just find the right stuff and allow your kid to enjoy childhood with water.

You must also consider giving a limited number of things to your kid daily. Don’t let them come inside the rooms and the lounge while playing outside. Otherwise, there will be a mess all around your home. Always try to fix the time and place for these water activities. Go and enjoy these activities with your little angels.

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