Essential Oils To Help Kids Sleep

It’s not a secret anymore that we as parent always search for ways to improve our babies’ overall wellness. Health also comes with the quality sleep that your baby takes in a day. Eco friendly and toxic-free bedding is an expensive option, and not everyone can afford it.

This is where essential oils come into play which is better known for their efficacy for better sleep. Not only essential oils are affordable and natural but also very simple and easy to use. Essential oils have so many incredible benefits, among which better sleep is on top. There are many proved facts associated with essential oils to help kids sleep better.

I have seen many parents who rely on using essential oils to help their kids sleep, and they are satisfied with the use of essential oils. Because these are the best affordable and natural way to get the best sleep which your baby deserves.

What are essential oils?

Essential oil is a liquid containing volatile chemical compounds extracted from plants. Plant’s compounds are extracted, which capture the plant’s scent and flavor, and then diluted using steam/water or using different mechanical methods such as cold pressing. Extracted aromatic compounds are combined with the carrier oil, which gives them the final ready to use.

Essential Oils To Help Kids Sleep

One thing which I will say that essential oils are essential in the sense that these oils contain the essence of the plant from which they are extracted. Its name essential does not mean that these are usable by the human body as essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, which are nutritionally required for the human body. Essential oils which are made using natural ways are considered genuine oils in terms of their benefits.

Are essential oils safe for your child?

As kids are a sensitive creature and everything you apply to them needs much investigation of its formulation and safety concerns. So, what do you think about essential oils “are essential oils safe for your child”? Essential Oils To Help Kids Sleep

I got a very straightforward answer to this question: “these are safe if used carefully” Essential oils are incredibly potent and should be diluted with either a carrier oil or cream when used on the skin. Dilution of these oils is advised before using essential oils on infants or younger children. For babies of 3 months or older, the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) advises the use of more dilution of 0.5-01% compared to adults for them 2.5-10% dilution of essential oil is considered safe.

Moreover, essential oils should not be swallowed in any case by your child as these are not meant for this purpose. Only external use of essential oils is considered safe for the health of a child and adults.

The benefits of essential oil for sleep support

Various studies on the benefits of essential oil for sleep support have proved the positive effects of these oils on sleeping habits.

These studies showed that the fragrance of these oils improves sleep quality and helps to fight with insomnia. These oils help to relax physically and emotionally and give quality hours of relaxation. With every breath your baby takes, these oils give him the calming energy to relax and sleep tight.

There are even essential oils available that can enhance dreams and help to control emotions. Inhaling the aromas arising from essential oils stimulates the limbic system. This limbic system is a part of brain which plays a vital role in controlling emotions, behaviors, sense of smell, and long-term memory. The aroma of essential oil has a positive impact on the limbic system and stimulates it to give your baby a calming feeling to relax better.

How to use an essential oil on your baby?

As babies have the most sensitive and fragile skin than adults, you should keep check and balance of every product you apply on their skin.

Then how to use an essential oil on your baby? Essential oils should not be used for babies under 3 months old and diluted essential oils should be used for babies older than 3 months. However, even diluted essential oils can cause irritation or sun sensitivity to your baby’s sensitive skin, so it is recommended to perform a patch test on the skin while moving to the use of new essential oil.

To perform a patch test, you can apply a small amount (1-2 drops) of diluted essential oil on the baby’s leg or arm and wait for 24 hours. If you find any swelling, redness, or inflammation, then immediately discontinue its use. But if no reaction occurs, then it’s safe to use on your baby’s skin. I would also suggest just don’t rub essential oil anywhere on the body; these are just fine to use on legs and arms.

What is the best essential oil for your child’s sleep?

There are many essential oils in the market which claim to serve the best results, but this is much tiring to find what is the best essential oil for your child’s sleep.

However, there are many, but I would prefer Lavender, one of the most popular essential oils and most commonly used to improve sleep quality. You can rub 1-2 drops of Lavender on the arm/leg or even feet of your baby before bed, and it helps your baby to fall asleep early.

Studies have proved that Lavender not only helps in improving sleeping habits but also improves the overall quality of the rest of your baby. It promotes restful sleep by increasing slow-wave sleep with slow heart rate and muscle relaxation. So, Lavender oil massage can help to relax and sleep your fussy baby as it has calming and sedative effects.

If you are wondering more benefits associated with lavender oil then it is also beneficial to be used on insect bites and reduce itchinessEssential Oils To Help Kids Sleep


In the end, I would say it is very safe to regard essential oils to help kids sleep and apply to the skin by combining with a base oil. But these oils should not be ingested. Moreover, their application to the skin of the baby helps him get quality sleep just because of the fragrance, which has soothing and calming effects on the body. Moreover, the use of essential oils to help your kid sleep is a natural way that involves no other artificial means to serve its purpose.


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