Do you need to sterilize teething rings?

Babies generally start teething when they are between 4 and 7 months old. Teething can cause discomfort and pain for your babies.

Symptoms of teething include swollen or tender gums, drooling, irritability, refusing food, trouble sleeping, and chewing on hard objects.

In such situations, giving your kid a cool teething toy to bite on may help.

A teething ring is a kind of teething toy that help babies when they are teething. It is easy to grasp for small fists and offers the pressure required to soothe sore gums.

However, using teething rings comes with some issues. A teething ring can get dirty and take on germs when getting in touch with the floor or any other dirty surface.

It is essential to keep teething rings clean to prevent the spread of germs and the risk of diseases. When it comes to teething rings and other toys that may get entry into the baby’s mouth, safety and hygiene are very important.

Do you need to sterilize teething rings? Continue reading the article to learn the answer to this question.

Do you need to sterilize teething rings?

Yes, you need to sterilize teething rings to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Teething rings get their way into your baby’s mouth, so you should be cautious about the hygiene of teething rings. It is necessary to wash and clean it every time before giving it to your baby. You can sterilize the teething ring by boiling it in water for 5 minutes every week or every month as per the need. It will kill all the germs and bacteria on the teething ring and ensure the safety of your baby.

How to clean teething rings and baby toys

Kids tend to constantly put toys in their mouths, particularly when they are teething. It is a development and sensory method to soothe their discomfort.

Washing teething rings with water and soap is a good way to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.

Teethers as well as other hard toys can be easily cleaned with warm water and dish soap in the sink.


How often should you wash and sterilize teething rings?

Teething rings must be cleaned every time before giving them to your baby.

For everyday use toys that you always keep in the diaper bag, wash once per week. Some toys can be cleaned by soaking them in a mixture of water and white vinegar. It will disinfect and clean the toys.

When it comes to how often you should clean teething rings, it is up to you. As per WebMD, it is essential to clean teething rings after every use.

Sterilization is important to eliminate bacteria and you can do it once or twice per month. It also depends on how much they are used by your baby. Teething toys are used more frequently by babies in their early months, so it is suggested to clean them every day.

These are general instructions when your kid is healthy.

Sterilize and clean teething toys more frequently when your baby is ill or suffering from flu. Sterilize them once again when they have recovered.

Cleaning and sterilizing, what’s the difference?

Before you start washing or cleaning your kid’s teething ring and other toys, it is essential to know the difference between cleaning and sterilizing.

Cleaning involves removing germs from any surface using water and soap. On the other hand, sterilization kills all the microorganisms from the surface of the object.

It is essential to remember that cleaning always comes first to remove visible dirt from the teething ring or toys. Then, rinse it with water before sterilizing it.

Sterilize teething rings with boiling water

It is the easiest and most effective way to sterilize teething rings and other baby toys. The boiling water sterilization process is a tested, proven, and long-established method that is safe for babies.

Boil the teething ring in water for 5 minutes to kill the bacteria and germs and let them cool down completely before giving it to your baby. This method is appropriate for teething toys made of hard plastic.

However, it is recommended to read the tags and labels before doing this as all toys are not tolerant to heat and can melt.

Water and white vinegar method to sterilize teething rings

It is one of the most effective and safest ways to sterilize teething rings and other toys. Some people may not prefer this method due to the vinegar smell it leaves on the toy.

You need to create a 50-50 mixture of white vinegar and water. Dip a clean piece of cloth in the mixture and use it to wipe your baby’s toys. You can also dip the teething ring into this mixture for 5 minutes, then remove it and dry it completely before giving it to your baby.

This method is safe for babies as it cleans the teething ring naturally without leaving traces of harmful chemicals on the teething ring that may harm your baby if swallowed.

Use baking soda and water to sterilize teething rings

Baking soda and water mixture is another safe method to sterilize teething rings.

Create a mixture of baking soda and water and use it to wipe dirt off the teething toy. Once you are done cleaning, rinse it and ensure that there are no traces of baking soda left. Dry it completely before returning it to your kid.


Do you need to sterilize teething rings? Yes! It is important to keep them clean and sterilized to ensure that your baby is safe from germs and bacteria.

Being a parent, it is essential to know how to sterilize teething rings. You should properly and regularly sterilize teething toys to make your baby stay healthy and happy.

I hope that these teething ring sterilizing tips and methods have addressed your worries. You can also get help from your kid’s pediatrician or pediatric dentist if necessary.

With their help, you can make sure that your baby is happy and comfortable.

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