Best Essential Oils For Sensitive Skin

Everyone wants to look younger and fresher than the others. With the recent trend towards using natural beauty products or cosmetics, there are many natural things that people use in the wrong way or take more dosage than their body requirements. The same is the case with the use of essential oil products. Not every essential oil is best for every skin type.

You should be aware of the nature of your skin and the best essential oils for your skin type. There is a wrong concept prevailing among people that every natural thing is beneficial.

It is NOT TRUE!!!!!!

Poison ivy is a typical example. It is natural but a poison. You can’t apply it to your skin. You are indeed intelligent because you want to know about essential oil products before using them. I suggest you know in detail about essential oils applicable only on dry skin or usable for oily skin, or best Essential Oils for sensitive skin.

Guess what!!!! Here is the detail of these essential oils for different skin types… Just for you!!!!best essential oils for sensitive skin

essential oils for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is identified by itchiness, extreme dryness, frequent redness, and even inflammation in many cases. So, if your skin is sensitive, then you must choose any skin product after getting proper guidance because you know that any oil or beauty product can irritate your skin in a second after application.

· Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil is best for both dry skins and for sensitive skin. You can safely apply it to your sensitive skin. There is no need to worry even in sunlight as it easily blocks UV radiation.

· Rose essential oil

Rose oil is also best to use for your sensitive skin, especially if you see redness in your skin. This oil also allows your skin to regenerate and gives you fresh skin.

Essential oils for a skin rash

Many essentials oils are helpful when you feel rashes on your skin. Itchiness on the skin creates great irritation in your body. When you scratch your skin as a result of itchiness, many fungal and bacterial infections result as a result of your scratches. It leads to inflammation in many cases. Nature has created many essential oils which can reduce itchiness and relieves inflammation because of anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

· Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil is beneficial in case of skin rashes. Peppermint oil has a cooling effect that helps to reduce itchiness caused by both underlying diseases like liver disease or kidney disease or external factors like bug bites or hives.

· Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile soothes skin rashes and gives a very charming scent. Chamomile is also helpful in case of itchiness in the head due to dandruff. For this, just mix few drops of chamomile with a shampoo and apply it to your head.

Essential oils for dry skin

If you are facing the dryness of your skin, then you must know the efforts that you have to make to re-hydrate your dry skin all the time. Many essential oils are best to keep hydrated skin.

· Geranium essential oil

This oil has a sweet rose-like fragrance. It is best for both sensitive and dry skin. It regulates the skin hormones and even balances the hormone irregularities. It also tightens the tissue and cleans the skin pores in dry skin by killing the bacteria. It prevents your dry skin from different bacterial infections.

· Lavender essential oil

It is perfect for dry skin. This oil helps to soothe your dry skin and even reduce the irritations on your dry skin. I recommend you use lavender oil for your dry skin. It will surely work!!!!

· Helichrysum essential oil

It is also suitable for dry skin. Although it is moret expensive than Lavender essential oil, it also moisturizes your dry skin very well. It is also helpful for you if you want to apply this oil before going outside in the sun. Helichrysum oil is best to block harmful UV radiations in the sunlight.

Essential oils for oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by acne and spots. Sebaceous glands produce excess oils that can make your skin oily. Hormonal irregularities also cause your skin to become oily.

· Bergamot (Citrus bergamot) essential oil

This oil is very best for your oily skin due to its disinfection and antiseptic properties. It has a fragrance that will glow your skin. It is a dermatologist’s first choice to heal acne, spots, and infected areas on oily skin. It provides oxygen to the skin and makes it more lively.

· Frankincense essential oil

It speeds up the process of healthy skin regeneration (antiaging) and especially useful to heal wounds, cuts, and even scars. It has the qualities to absorb the moisture on oily skin.

· Geranium essential oil

This oil has a strong fragrance. It is useful for oily skin because it has the qualities to preserve the skin and tighten the tissue. It also balances the hormones and lightens up the skin.

best essential oils for sensitive skin

How to use essential oils

There are a lot of ways to use essential oils. You can use these essential oils aromatically, topically, or internally. By using them aromatically, you can inhale them and enjoy their fragrances. To use these essential oils topically, the best way is to mix these essential oils with different carrier oils and apply or massage them on the skin. Rubbing essential oils on the skin increases blood circulation in that part of your body. But don’t apply these essential oils on reproductive parts or in the eyes.

Always do a patch test by applying essential oils over a small part of your skin.

Internal use of essential oil includes adding few drops of some essential oil in water and drink them to keep you hydrated. But remember that there are very few essential oils that you can safely ingest. Always take proper guidance from registered practitioners before ingestion of any essential oil.


To sum up, essential oils are best to use to protect every skin type. What you have to do is to know your skin type and then use the best essential oils for your sensitive skin. Although some essential oils are suitable for all skin types, that is not the case for every essential oil. I suggest you use these magical oils to keep your skin healthy and young.



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