At What Age Do Babies Start Teething?

Still waiting to witness your infant’s first tooth?

As a new parent, that inescapable combination of anticipation and anxiety can become all-consuming. You wonder when that first spot of white will peep through all the pink, and once it does, you worry about all the work now before you.

We know the feeling. In fact, we know the one question that supersedes all other concerns, too: at what age do babies start teething?

Without that information, no parent can properly prepare for their incoming mission. You deserve answers and we desire to provide them. Stick with us – we’ll ensure you have everything you need for the teething-to-be.

First Tooth Incomingat what age do babies start teething?

Believe it or not, all babies are born with their first twenty teeth already embedded within their gums. They’re not growing – they’re simply awaiting their grand debut!

That entrance, however, is preceded by an onslaught of saliva.

Once a child reaches their three month milestone, their bodies produce drool like it is their job. This slimy omen coincides with an increased desire to draw every available object into their mouth. Best to keep wipes close at hand to keep their hands clean.

While this proves temporarily inconvenient for the parent, it promises a permanent – and imminent – change.

Within the next one to five months, that slobber will subside to welcome a tooth in its stead. The lower central incisors – or, in layman’s terms, the foremost teeth on the lower jawline – break through before any others.

Throughout the next two and a half years, teeth will continue to crop up one at a time.

The molars will move in last, ever late to the party. Children can expect to welcome friends to their third birthday with a completed smile.

But before the celebrations ensue, the parents must ensure the process proceeds without complications. Growth requires us to gamble with our health – and our kids are not excluded from the risk.

The Truth of the Tooth

An influx of teeth brings problems underneath. From gums to bums, kids can experience the entire gamut of bodily discomfort. Their still-fragile forms are finding their footing with newfound physicality.

This inching towards equilibrium can upset their muscles more easily than one might assume.

But why does the balancing act only begin now? For the first six months of infancy, stability is sustained through immunities absorbed from the mother’s placenta.

With the child having long since vacated the womb, those protective measures subside and new ones arise – the immune system.

Equate the immune system of a kid to a computer. That initial bootup requires considerable time and assistance from its owner. Even then, before any antivirus software is installed, glitches can abound beneath the surface. Children’s immune systems are still booting up – and they need us to troubleshoot their issues in the meanwhile.

How can we identify the telltale signs of teething-adjacent struggles? No need to guess – we’ve got a list of symptoms right here. Ask yourself if your child shows signs of…

  • ● Diarrhea
  • ● Irritability
  • ● Mouth rash
  • ● Disrupted sleep
  • ● Loss of appetite
  • ● Increased drool production
  • ● Swollen and/or tender gums
  • ● Increased body temperatures
  • ● Rubbing of the gums and/or ears

Yikes! Teething’s extensive side-effects can terrify even the toughest families. Rest assured – these are possibilities, not probabilities. Although the British Dental Journal reported that 70-80% of parents reported witnessing these symptoms in their children, pain is never guaranteed. And with a plethora of research poured into combating these problems when they do arise, there’s a solution for every symptom that will keep your home clean and your heart calm.

Treating the Teething Bluesat what age do babies start teething?

Good news: you’re not the first to confront these afflictions. Thousands upon thousands of parents paved the way before so that you can take comfort in their hard-won wisdom tomorrow. Doctors, dentists, and pediatricians continually strive to improve their alleviation of children’s pain with methods that have proven effective through the ages.

Feel like you can focus in and not freak out? Then let’s breathe deep and dive in.

As your baby nibbles on everything its grubby paws can grab, its mouth will no doubt protest. Pay special attention to any extra puffy gums or if your child goes from grabbing your earrings to grabbing their own ears instead. In these instances, letting them suckle on a frozen or wet washcloth can soothe their aching lips. Even better: scrub your hands and massage your baby’s gums for one to two minutes. The physical contact pacifies their emotions and heals their bodies.

While your hands are already near their mouth, why not wash the area around it off? Odds are it’s gotten…well, odd. Consistently wiping the region around the lips will alleviate any rashes that may have spread from overexposure to germs on their ever-roaming fingers. Should those little lips chap, spread a smidge of barrier cream overtop to help shield them while they heal.

While rashes and tantrums are simple to spot, one significant threat is a little less tangible: fever. If your child heats up throughout teething, don’t panic – this is a natural part of the process. However, keep a thermometer close at hand to measure just how hot they’re becoming.

If their temperature falls below 100.4º Fahrenheit (or 38º Celsius), there’s nothing to fear. Supply a weight-appropriate dose of Tylenol or (if they’ve reached their six month marker already) ibuprofen and watch those degrees drop. Anything higher, however, bodes poorly. Treat these as proof of illness and hurry to a medical professional who can discern the true cause of their temperature spike.

But even better than curing the kids is keeping them from facing unnecessary complications in the first place.

Defending the Dental

As soon as that first tooth manifests, it’s our mission to safeguard it from decay. Incorporating fluoride into the child’s everyday diet will provide an extra layer of protection. But where does fluoride reside? Why, in your toothpaste! Slap a rice-sized slab onto a toothbrush
and go to town twice per day. Combine that with a sippy cup full of non-bottled water and that decay will stay far away.

The one no-go you didn’t know? Skip the bedtime bottle feeding. This only amplifies the erosion rate.

If that last suggestion shocked you, we have one more surprise up our sleeves: not all child-friendly products are safe for consumption or interaction. That’s right, your favorite television commercial could be withholding facts to make a quick buck.

Teething necklaces have come into vogue throughout recent years, but fashion is not worth their failure. The FDA issued a warning in 2018 about the significant risk of choking and strangulation that these necklaces cause. Why not swap these for a solid teething ring?

But they’re not the only products reported to endanger your children. Should you purchase teething tablets or gels, check the ingredients for benzocaine and belladonna. These allegedly numb the pain, but cause more problems than they’re worth. It’s earned the moniker “poison belladonna” for a what age do babies start teething?

No measure compares to the importance of meeting with a dentist pronto. Formulate a health plan for the child’s future and ask them to cover your kiddo’s teeth with fluoride varnish. This temporary step establishes permanent strength.


Juggling the endless obligations of newfound parenthood poses more concerns than comforts. Knowing at what age babies start teething means one less ball in the air, and equipping yourself for what comes after means your baby will have a ball without a problem. Navigating the nuances of teething can strain the strongest parent, but every rash and ring and wrangled earring will be worth it, so long as it keeps our kids smiling.








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