Baby won’t sleep without a swaddle but rolls over

Swaddling is a helpful technique for parents to help their newborn babies sleep well. By swaddling, you are imitating the natural feelings your baby experienced in the womb.

Babies sleep for longer when swaddled. But what happens when it’s time to move on from swaddling?

Once your baby is 2 months, he starts to roll over, and it’s extremely dangerous to swaddle your baby after this age. Swaddled babies should never sleep face down.

So, if your little one has reached the stage when it starts to roll over, it’s time to immediately stop swaddling your baby.

Baby won’t sleep without a swaddle but rolls over; it commonly happens when babies move out of the swaddling stage. But you should keep in mind that safety comes first when it comes to swaddling a baby.

In this article, we will discuss this topic and various ways to help your baby sleep without swaddling.

Baby won’t sleep without a swaddle but rolls over

As per AAP guidelines, parents need to stop swaddling their baby when they show signs to roll over. Many babies begin to start rolling over at around 2 months of age. It is not safe to swaddle your baby when they start rolling. The main objective is to avoid situations where your baby is face down. If your baby won’t sleep without a swaddle, you can try various other ways to get your baby to sleep. Swaddling is never a safe option when he starts to roll over. If you continue to swaddle your baby after he rolls over, it can be dangerous for him.

What if my child can’t sleep without the swaddle?

Some babies depend on swaddling to sleep, and it can be difficult for them to go to sleep without it. Many parents may feel it hard to put their babies to sleep without swaddling when they move out of the swaddling phase.

Removing the swaddle for such babies can seriously disrupt both nighttime and daytime sleeping. If your baby is younger, it is normal that they need a few more months in the comfort of the swaddle.

It is also good to introduce swaddle transition products to make a smoother transition from one phase to another, particularly for babies at 2 to 3 months of age who still want a womb-like environment.

Baby won't sleep without a swaddle but rolls over

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What’s the alternative when it’s no longer safe to swaddle?

When your baby begins to roll over, you can switch to a sleep sack. A sleep sack is a wearable blanket that keeps your baby warm during sleep without posing the risk of loose bedding.

You can swaddle your baby only sometimes and not always. First, try swaddle-free naps. It will help you watch how they react when they sleep without the swaddle.

You can also try swaddling for some part of the night say after the diaper change at night.


Baby won’t sleep without a swaddle but rolls over. You may find it hard for a baby to fall asleep without a swaddle once they move out of this phase. It is normal to expect some sleep disruptions for a few nights at least.

If it takes even longer and you find that your little one won’t sleep, you may need to further adjust your sleep routine. When a baby is not having a good sleep, it is common for parents to feel overwhelmed.

But keep in mind that it may take a week or two for a baby to get used to the change in the swaddling. You just have to stay consistent and relaxed, and soon you will all be sleeping soundly again.

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