What time should I give my baby his last bottle?

For most of the baby’s life, it is common to offer the last bottle before he goes to bed. Feeding to sleep is one of the common ways to get babies to sleep. It may not help a baby sleep longer but it is a good way to get your baby to fall asleep.

Tired babies often fall asleep when feeding. Feeding your baby to sleep can be lovely, warm, and comforting. It is also great for bonding between mother and baby.

However, giving your little one his last bottle before bed becomes more of a hindrance to sleep than it does help. So, you should be careful about the time you offer your baby a bottle before going to bed.

What time should I give my baby his last bottle? Continue reading to learn more about this topic.

 What time should I give my baby his last bottle?

You should give your baby his last bottle at least 30 minutes before bedtime. You should try to have 30 to 45 minutes between the feed and the time you anticipate your baby will sleep. Feeding right before bed can cause digestive issues. Some parents believe that feeding before sleeping will result in longer sleep but this is not true. The sleep stretches of your baby are more about their independent sleep skills and caloric intake instead of the exact timing of the last feed. So, offer your baby the bottle 30 to 35 minutes before sleeping.

 How to give your baby his last bottle

It is important to choose the right bedtime routine for your baby to ensure that your kid is not bottle dependent. It is suggested to provide his last bottle at least 45 minutes before bedtime.

Move the last bottle completely out of the sleep process and think of it as a beverage before sleeping instead of a sleepy feed. It will help your baby have a peaceful sleep.

Let your kid have his last bottle in the living room with their day clothes and lights on. Don’t encourage your baby to relax with his last bottle, let them drink it actively, and then move on with the rest of the bedtime process.

Once you give your baby his last bottle, try to let them awake until it’s time to sleep. That could be anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the age of your little ones.

When your baby will lay down to sleep, he will fall asleep without needing to feed again.

What time should I give my baby his last bottle?

Why I should give my baby his last bottle 30 minutes before bedtime

It is necessary to give your baby his last bottle about half an hour before going to bed. If your baby drinks his last bottle right before bedtime, he may spit it out. It can happen any time but you can minimize the discomfort by keeping your baby up for at least half an hour after feeding.

If your baby has tummy sensitivities or reflux issues, you must know that they need some upright time after feeding before being laid down.

Even if your little one doesn’t have reflux issues, his digestive system is new and not developed completely yet. Feeding your baby right before bedtime can lead to upset tummies, general trouble sleeping, and an increased chance of spit-up.

You may have experienced the same after having a late-night snack or a huge meal at night and laying down right after eating. It is definitely not an enjoyable experience and the same is true for your baby.

Moreover, if you are trying to encourage your baby to sleep for a long time at night and independently, then you should try to avoid feed-to-sleep association. When you let your kid have his last bottle a considerable time before sleep, it will help your baby sleep independently.

You should intend for separating eating from sleeping by letting your baby wake for some time after having his last bottle.

Why avoid bedtime feeding right before sleeping

The reason behind many sleep troubles for babies is the dependency on a parent or the bottle or the combination of both, particularly at bedtime.

If your baby has his last bottle within the last 30 minutes before going to bed and is either drowsy or entirely sleepy after the drink, then he will probably not able to stitch their nighttime sleep phases together.

Many parents consider that bedtime becomes easier with a bottle close to sleep time but it may cause trouble in maintaining consolidated nighttime sleep.

It may work for some families but mostly it is the root cause of early rising, night waking, long wake periods, and even resistance to daytime sleep.


What time should I give my baby his last bottle? It is best to offer your little one his last bottle about half an hour before bedtime.

It will help encourage independent sleeping for your baby, avoid digestive issues, and help sleep for long stretches.

Try considering the time of giving the last bottle to your baby while creating a bedtime routine for your little one. It will help your baby to have a peaceful sleep.

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