How to potty train a toddler girl

It’s considered that girls tend to get potty trained earlier than boys. Many studies show that the girls develop communication skills earlier so they are easy to get trained.

But in most cases, it’s not true. Some girls may spend more time learning than boys of the same age.

Their parents also look for ways how to potty train a toddler girl. The readiness of your girl is the main factor for the success of the process. It’s a big step in your girl’s life and all you need is patience and determination. It’s not something you can do in one night rather it’s a long process. So, fasten your belt and get ready for the long ride.

We have answers to some of your basic questions like how to potty train a toddler girl and some tips to help you in your tough journey.

What is the best age to potty train a girl?

Stop tiring yourself to find what is the best age to potty train a girl. There is not a specific age set for potty training your little girl. It’s all about the readiness and the learning ability of your child. But typically the girls are ready to be potty trained at 18 months. Some girls are not ready for this process even at 36 months of age.

The studies show that one-fourth of 24 months aged children become diaper-free at day time. But 98% of the children are able to stay dry by the age of 36 months.

So, it’s clear that being trained is mostly related to the physical development and the interest of your child.

How do I know if my daughter is ready to potty train?How to potty train a toddler girl

It’s not something that you ask others how do I know if my daughter is ready to potty train.

Ask yourself if your girl is ready? Ask yourself if your girl can sit on the potty. Can she pull down and then pull up her pants? Can she stay dry for at least 2 hours continuously? Is your child able to communicate about the need to go to the potty? Can she perceive the basic directions given to her? And the most interesting thing, is she interested in using the toilet or excited about wearing the big-kid undies?

What are your answers to these questions? If “yes” for most of the questions, congratulations your child is ready to be trained. But if “no” is the answer for most of them, you should wait especially if you are about to welcome her sibling. Your girl’s interest and readiness are crucial to lead the process.

Don’t compare your child’s training to her intelligence or any other child. Just give her some time to be ready and let her learn the need for it.

How do you potty train a stubborn toddler girl?

Some children are very hard to train. No matter how hard you try, they are not willing to learn. If you have such a soldier child, here are some tips for how do you potty train a stubborn toddler girl. I hope this will ease your difficulty.

  1. 1. Toddlers always try to imitate their parents. So let her watch you use the toilet and learn.
  2. 2. Buy her child-size potty on which she feels secure. Decorate the potty with stickers and write her name on it to motivate her to use it.
  3. 3. Buy her new underwear and tell her she is old enough to use the toilet like her big sibling.
  4. 4. Let her play naked for some time near the potty.
  5. 5. Teach her to use toilet paper.
  6. 6. Get ready for the mess and don’t try to rebuke her. Otherwise, your little soldier may rebel and may never use the potty again. Stay calm and smiley.
  7. 7. Increase the fun factor by placing her favorite toy or magazine near the potty. So, she may look at it every time she plays with them.
  8. 8. Once your daughter keeps her pants dry during the day, move into the night more. You can set a timer and wake up to take her to the potty.
  9. 9. Don’t forget to celebrate her accomplishments to cheer her up.

How long does it take to potty train a toddler girl?

Parents often think about how long does it take to potty train a toddler girl. But there is no age limit or no hard-and-fast rule available. The period of training varies from child to child. Some tend to learn in a couple of days, others take months and the rare cases take years to master the practice.

Typically, it takes 3-6 months of patience and persistence. But the time can be changed because of your child’s readiness, interest, and physical development.

Some parents think if they train their children early, they will learn in time. But it may be true for some kids but mostly the earlier you start, the longer it takes to complete the training.

How do you potty train a girl fast?

You don’t need to buy potty training books and also no need for potty training threats. Here are some secrets for how do you potty train a girl fast to get rid of diapers:

  1. 1. Pack all her diapers with her and tell her that you are a big girl, you don’t need them. Write the name of her cousin and tell her you will send this to her.
  2. 2. Go shopping for underwear. Let her choose undies as many as she wants so that she may be happy and take them as a toy.
  3. 3. Now let her put on her new undies and do her work. Give her ample drinks and snacks expecting her to show the potty dance.
  4. 4. Make her sit on the potty not by force but make it fun. Tell her you to have some new app in mobiles which can be only used while sitting on the potty.
  5. 5. When she is first time able to do something in the potty, cheer her up.
  6. 6. Always keep the potty in the range where she can frequently use it.


It’s a big transition in your little toddler girl’s life to remove the diapers and learn to use the potty. Don’t expect her to get trained overnight. Give her time to be ready and follow our tips for how to potty train a toddler girl. Acknowledge her accomplishment and make her feel like a big kid.



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