Giving Baby First Bath

Bathing a baby is no doubt an excellent treasure for all parents. Giving a baby the first bath is something that makes every parent excited.

Bathing times are considered a relaxing time free from any kind of distraction, and develop a bond with your tiny new family member.

It feels incredible when you see your little one enjoying the sensation of warm water on her skin.

However, many questions are associated with this familiar parenting ritual that might come into every parent’s mind. Some parents stress how and when to do it well because it sometimes seems challenging to give a baby the first bath.

I have covered some frequently asked questions related to bathing a baby first time from most of the parents in this article. So, don’t stop reading and continue to know the answers to your questions.

What are the essentials of bathing a baby first time?

First and foremost, a question that parents wonder about is what are the essentials of bathing a baby for the first time. Remember, the first bath of a baby should be a sponge bath.

So, for that, you must have a warm room with a flat surface. It can be a bathroom, kitchen corner, changing table, or bed. It’s all your choice which one you opt for. But you must cover the surface with a thick towel.

The room temperature is also crucial because babies chill easily, so make sure the room’s temperature is around 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

After this, assemble all the baby products which are needed in bathing a baby, including

  • Baby bath sponge or clean washcloth
  • Clean diaper
  • Clean blanket
  • Clean clothes
  • Vaseline and gauze (If you are bathing a circumcised baby boy)
  • Moderate warm water

You must be around while bathing your baby and never leave the baby alone in a bath for even a second. Take the baby with you if you have to attend phone or get to the stove or whatever.

Giving Baby A Sponge Bath

Now it’s time to give the baby a sponge bath. For this purpose, gentle sponge baths are recommended and considered perfect for the first weeks until the umbilical cord falls off. Healing of circumcision starts, and the navel heals completely.

  • Start with undressing the baby while cradling the head with one hand. Don’t remove the diaper and wash that area at last.
  • While bathing your little one, keep your baby wrapped in a towel and expose only those areas which you are washing. Only cleanse one area at a time using a baby bath sponge or washcloth. Firstly, start behind the ears and then move towards the neck, elbows, knees, finger, and between toes.
  • Don’t forget the area underarms, behind ears, and around the neck.
  • Hair comes at the end of the bath, so your baby doesn’t get cold or shivers as newborns don’t have bulky hairs, so you can sponge few wisps which are there.
  • Avoid getting the eyes of the baby wet. You can also tip the head back just a little to avoid getting your eyes wet. You can also apply baby shampoo, but it is not recommended to use shampoo for the first bath; just use water.
  • Now comes the last part, which is bathing the lower body part. Remove diaper and sponge the belly, bottom, and genitals of the baby. If you are bathing little girls, then wash from front to back. If you find a slight vaginal discharge, just don’t worry and don’t try to wipe it all away.
  • If a little boy is not circumcised, then leave the foreskin alone. If he is circumcised, don’t wash the head of the penis until it’s healed completely. Don’t rub the skin of little one as it irritates; just gently pat baby dry.

When newborns should get their first bath?

One of the most asked questions is when newborns should get their first bath? Over the last few years, a baby’s first bath timings have changed entirely. Most institutions give birth baths to babies within an hour or two; however, many are making changes in their policies.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), delaying the first bath of a baby until 24 hours or waiting at least 6 hours after birth is better. However, for most of parents, it is not possible for cultural reasons.

Why Delay Baby’s First Bath?

Here are few reasons why it is now recommended to delay a baby’s first bath.

  • First is the body temperature of the blood sugar of babies. It is considered that babies who don’t get baths right away will be saved from becoming cold and develop hypothermia. Only minor stress of an early bath can make babies more likely to develop a high blood sugar condition hypoglycemia.
  • Bonding and breastfeeding are other reasons. One study showed a 166% increase in hospital breastfeeding success after just a 12-hour delay in the baby’s first bath compared to those who were bathed with a couple of hours after birth.
  • Giving a bath early, right after birth, can dry the skin. Vernix is a waxy white substance that coats the baby’s skin before birth. It acts as a natural moisturizer and has anti-bacterial properties. According to experts, it is better to leave vernix on the delicate skin of a baby for a little longer to prevent the skin from drying out.

Benefits of bath time for babies

giving baby first bath

Bathing the little one has many benefits beyond basic cleanup and soothes your child. The main benefits of bath time for babies include:


  • It boosts the parent-baby bond. It quickly becomes the highlight of the whole day for both of you, and it’s the only time for you and your baby. Taking care of your baby also reminds her that you care about her. Feeling your gentle touch and hearing your voice also gives her a feeling of being loved.
  • It’s a learning experience. You won’t believe it, but your baby learns a lot in the tub. You can teach your baby how to respond to trickling water and how to kick the water and create a splash. Name the little one’s body parts as you suds them, and this way, he will learn a tub full of words.
  • Bathing soothes fussy babies quickly. Babies find it relaxing, comforting, and calming, soaking in a tub full of water.
  • Bathing also induces sleep so that you can add it to the sleeping routine of your little one. Babies develop a warm feeling of being safe and secure from the warm room and warm water.


Giving the baby the first bath is really a cool as well as challenging task. Make sure you are fully prepared for it and have all the essentials and necessary knowledge to do it right.

I hope you got the answers to your most stressful questions and are now ready to apply this knowledge effectively.

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