Blackout Window Film

Blackout window films are a necessity when it comes to the quality sleep time of your little bundle of joy.

No doubt, every parent loves the pleasure of being awakened by the lovely baby sounds coming across the monitor. But, sometimes, this wake-up call does not feel welcoming, especially during the summer time when the sun wakes your baby early.

Kids need more and more sleep: older babies and toddlers need 12 hours of sleep while it is 13 hours for preschoolers and 10-11 hours for the school going kids.

You will not believe it, but the environment in which your baby sleeps is as crucial as establishing healthy routines regarding your kid’s need to rest and making sure that they learn independent sleep skills.

Using blackout window film to block light in your kid’s room may be pretty helpful for your little one to settle at night, avoid early morning wake-ups and increase daytime sleeping.

What is a Blackout window film?blackout window film

Blackout window film is a thin sheet that prevents 99% of the light from entering the room when applied to the windows.

Simultaneously, it shields UV rays and does not allow the sun’s heat to penetrate the window directly. Thus, it helps to keep the room cool too.

The blocking of UV rays is very beneficial, especially if the position of your baby. Since almost no light rays can enter the room, it also prevents glare. It ensures a better nap time by preventing light disturbances from the street lights or the early sunrise during the summer time.

Moreover, It turns the room pitch dark that helps the body to produce melatonin hormone,

this hormone actually controls the sleep cycle.

Benefits of blackout window film for your baby room

The benefits of a blackout window film are huge. It becomes a must-have when it comes to designing your house or nursery for your little one due to the following benefits.

  • It eliminates light disturbances.
  • It allows you to control your baby’s bedtime and sleep patterns while reducing the risk of distractions from outside.
  • It ensures uniformity in the sleep routine of your kids, which allows them to sleep in darkness. Then, they will be more comfortable doing so in new or unfamiliar places.
  • It blocks out all incoming light rays from outside- thus, the primary benefit is that the room will be in pitch-black darkness irrespective of the light intensity outside.
  • It makes you unaware of all the outside light distractions at night, such as street lamps, flashing car lights.blackout window film
  • It also reduces the noise level in the room, which is a bonus when trying to get your baby to sleep.
  • It also helps to keep the room temperature lower than the outside, which is good to reduce your energy bills and maintain the optimal temperature for your kid to get to sleep.
  • It also allows your baby to sleep during the day time.
  • Blackout window films are also beneficial if your baby has to sleep in different rooms (switching from your room to their own) or visiting relatives, or travel on holiday with you.

How Do I Choose the Right Window Film?

It would help if you asked the following questions yourself before buying the blackout window film:

  1. What external finish do you want?
  2. What is the direction of your windows?
  3. Do your windows get the morning or evening sun?
  4. What type of frames do your windows have?
  5. Do you want the film to be noticeable (for increased privacy) or virtually undetectable?
  6. What kind of glass your windows are made of?
  7. What is the exact size of your window?

Once you can answer the questions above, getting the right window film installed in your baby room can be a breeze.

Apart from the features of the product, you also need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s credentials. In this field, experience makes a big difference.

It is wise to go for a seller who has multiple years of industry experience.

You can explore their previous works by checking the feedback they receive from their customers. Please pay attention to any warnings and red flags they get from unhappy clients.

Additionally, please pay attention to how they communicate with you. Are they welcoming to answer all your inquiries? Are they responsive and polite?

How Do I Install It?

If you want to install blackout window films by yourself, then follow the below-mentioned steps to make the whole process a breeze.

  1. Measure and note down the dimensions of your target window.
  2. Perform thorough cleaning of the glass.
  3. Leave 1+ inch on each side while cutting the blackout film, so you have an extra film to trim away afterwards.
  4. Remove backing liner from the film.
  5. Use a spray bottle to apply soapy water on both the blackout film and window glass if the film is non-adhesive. Otherwise, you can skip this step.
  6. Apply the blackout-film on the window glass while adjusting the correct position of the film.
  7. Squeegee out the water or any air bubble under the blackout film with the help of a plastic squeegee or card.
  8. Cut the extra side film if present with a sharp blade or knife.

Can I Remove It?

You can easily remove blackout window films yourself by just peeling them off the window within seconds with no mess at all.

If it is non-adhesive (static cling film), then you can even reuse it.

But if the film is adhesive, you will require to do an extra step of applying soapy water on film before peeling it off. After peeling off the blackout sheet, you need a razor blade to scrape out the leftover sheet and adhesive on the glass. After that, clean your window glass with a good window cleaner.


In the end, I must say that a bit of extra sleep is necessary for all parents, particularly during those newborn days.

Babies and toddlers also require to take longer and more restorative naps to be fully active throughout the day. No doubt, kids have their own routine of sleeping and waking, but installing a blackout window film in their baby room can help them to get the sleep they need.

Hopefully, this article has been helpful for you to know what is blackout window films and how they could be beneficial for improving the sleep time of your little sweetheart.

What were you using to block out light in your baby room? Was it really helping your kid to get quality sleep? Please let me know in the comment section below.

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